Send video submissions to but first! …please read the instructions below.
Here are the rules:
* Each video must have a running time of 2 – 5 minutes
* Each video must be what could reasonably be considered a comedy, although all subgenres are acceptable (dark comedy, slapstick, dramatic comedy, etc.)
* In order to maintain a modest level of propriety, each video may not contain excessive profanity or vulgar content, and the competition coordinators will have sole discretion in determining what is considered acceptable. As a general rule of thumb, content should be no more vulgar than the programming on the Fx network.
* The video cannot be a recording of standup comedy, improv comedy, or live sketch comedy
* No copyrighted material can be used
* The final video media for the competition must be a high quality video file in an .mp4 or .mpeg4 format
* The final video must have an aspect ratio of 16:9 and a minimum dimension of 640 x 360
* You or a designated proxy must attend the competition in Asheville on July 6th, 2019 at 7 pm
* You can submit more than one video, but only one video may be accepted per entrant
* The competition coordinators will have final determination on the selections
Submission Instructions:
* All videos must be received by June 3 at 5 pm
* Announcements of accepted entrants on June 17
* Send a link to your online video to
* Include the subject line “Short Film 07/06/2019”
* If your video is private, provide any logon credentials necessary.
* If you must send physical media, contact us at the email in this post for the mailing address
All submitters and contestants retain all rights to their videos but will grant Disclaimer Stand-Up Lounge and Asheville Improv Collective the right to show the video the night of the film competition. Please email us at the email in this post if you have questions. Go get ’em!